Monday, August 31, 2009

thank you

so in the last two months....okay who am I kidding in the last two and a half years I have gone through some pretty intense stuff, and I know I haven't always gone through it with a smile on my face. Sometimes I can be a lot to deal with. My emotions are always right on the surface and you never know when I'm going to laugh, cry, scream, or pass out from pure exhaustion. I realize that I am a lot to take, and I do my best to try to make things easier on the people I care about, but sometimes it's just so hard to put out the effort. The last couple days I have realized that there are people in my life that I should truly be grateful for because they have stuck with me through thick and thin. They are the people that no matter what I know that they will stick with me until I am better. I know that I have a ways to go, and I know they know that too, but I will never once hesitate to call them if I need them because I know they will be there.

my mom. she probably sees the worst, but she still loves me and I love her for not sending me to the loony bin.

My best friend Kayla Don. Where do I even begin?? She is the most amazing person ever, and I don't know what I would do without her. She is my connection to sanity. She always keeps me grounded. She calls me and texts me constantly so that I never have to be totally alone with my thoughts. She travels all the way to Oregon to see me and to make sure I am okay. I love her so much and I am so glad that she is my best friend

My little brothers are the best. They buy me pepsi when I'm having a bad day, and they spend a lot of time just spending time with me. That's all a big sister could ask for really.
You might not be able to tell who is in this picture but it's brad, me, kristin, tim, and john. Kristin, Tim, and John have really been great friends to me. When Brad passed away I was really worried that I was not going to be a part of that group anymore because my tie to them was gone. But they have welcomed me with open arms, and always make sure that I am apart of anything that they are doing. It's really nice, because I don't feel as alone in this process because they were the people there with me through everything that happened.

Lisa. I love your guts. that's all I have to say about that
Emily Beech. I'm going to miss this girl. I'm going to miss going to movies, and getting slurpees and our long talks. Emily and I haven't been friends for very long, but she has been a really good friend to me this summer, and I'm very grateful for everything she does.Jacque. She's my escape. She is the one that takes me out and makes me do things that are fun. When I feel like just staying at home and feeling sorry for myself she takes me out and I always have fun.

There are a lot of other people too, and don't be offended if I don't have my picture with you, like Michelle who stays up tell 1 in the morning texting me when I can't sleep. Or Heather and Sammi. I love all of you, and I just wanted you guys to know that your acts of kindness towards me do not go unnoticed, and that I am so grateful that I have all of you in my life

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